
Call to nominate candidate(s) for the Sjöberg Prize 2025

Marga de Moor 01-03-2024 11 keer bekeken 0 reacties

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences invites you to nominate candidate(s) for the Sjöberg Prize 2025. The deadline for nominations is May 3, 2024.

The Sjöberg Prize for cancer research is awarded to a scientist who have made a fundamental discovery that is expected to advance our knowledge about disease mechanisms, prevention or treatment of cancer.

This Sjöberg Prize is based on a donation from the late businessman Bengt Sjöberg and awarded jointly by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the Sjöberg Foundation. More information about the Sjöberg Prize and earlier laureates is available on the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences home page: https://www.kva.se/en/priser/sjobergpriset 

The regulations regarding the prize stipulate that the nominated scientist is presently conducting high-quality cancer research and is below 60 years of age. Nominations will be treated confidentially and managed by a prize committee elected by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Nominations of a scientist or a group of scientists must be made by individuals and submitted electronically at: https://portal.sjobergprize.se

Please let us know if you will nominate a candidate at KNAWgenootschap@knaw.nl



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1011 JV Amsterdam

Postbus 19121
1000 GC Amsterdam


Telefoon: 020 551 0830
E-mail KNAW-genootschap: 
E-mail De Jonge Akademie: dja@knaw.nl 

Website: www.knaw.nl

Inschrijvingsnummer Kamer van Koophandel: 54667089
RSIN nummer: 002958697
